Spiritual Counselor
My spiritual journey has traversed many a geography and I have had the rare privilege of meeting mystics and yogis, whether it be in the mountains of Amarkantak or the Himalayan terrain of Amar Nath, I have been blessed to spend time in these high energy centres.

The last 17 years have taken me to almost every corner of the country, to the mountains, to the banks of holy rivers, deep forests, to temples. Such was the fervour and the yearning, that I continued undeterred. I was lost in the ecstatic bliss of this sublime journey. Sacred memories of deep spiritual experiences continue to guide me, as I forge ahead.

It is said, when the student is ready the Master appears. It is also your purva prarabdha which when it manifests, a spiritual guide appears. As my Guru says, “Your sadhna is not of this lifetime but of many previous ones, seeking a culmination in this lifetime.”