Simhasta Kumbh Ujjain
The devtas and asuras had come together for the sagar manthan or the churning of the ocean, Mount Mandara was the pivotal axis around which Nagaraja Vasuki, he who adorns the neck of Shiva, was used as a rope. And Lord Vishnu took the form of a kurma, a tortoise, on whose shell Mt Mandar could defy gravity. With the churning, many forms emerged from the ocean – Maa Lakshmi, Kaamdhenu, Chandra, Airavata, Parijat and others and many precious gems. Finally, Dhanvantari, the divine physician, also known as the father of Ayurveda, emerged with a pot containing amrita or the nectar of immortality. And then ensued a fierce fight between the devas and asuras to gain control over the nectar. And eventually Vishnu took the Mohini avatar to distribute the nectar. Legend has it that a few drops of the nectar fell at Prayag, Haridwar, Ujjain and Nasik, and the Kumbh is celebrated in each of these places. Ardha, Poorna and Simhasta Kumbha.

Kumbha happens when the planets are aligned to form a power centre. The conjunctions cause certain alchemical changes in the holy waters of the Ganga, Godavari and Kshipra rivers and taking a dip in the waters during these planetary alignments has a deep spiritual relevance.

Simhasta Kumbh happens at Ujjain and Trimbakeshwar, every twelve years, when Jupiter, the Guru of the Devas moves into the rashi/zodiac of brahmacharya – Simha or Leo. And when Sun enters Aries, its sign of exaltation, the Kumbha begins at Ujjain. And when Sun enters Leo, while Jupiter continues to be in Leo – Kumbha begins at Trimbakeshwar, in Nasik.

Ujjain was previously considered the central meridian for time in India. As per Surya Siddhanta, Ujjain is geographically situated at the spot where zero meridian of longitude and the Tropic of Cancer intersect. The Tropic of Cancer crosses the Mahakaal temple and also Somnath in Gujrat. This line also passes through the temple of Mangalnath. At this point planet Mars is closest to the earth. Whenever somebody has a malefic or weak Mars, astrologers recommend rituals at Mangalnath. Our temples are built at places of astronomical significance. Note that.

Ujjain, or Ujjaini is the city where the illustrious King Vikramaditya ruled. Most of you would have seen the series of Vikram and Baitaal on Doordarshan.

Har Siddhi Ma Temple, Sidha Vat, Gadh Kalika – where Kalidas was blessed by Mother Kalika, Kaal Bhairav, Chintaman Ganesh are some of the powerful temples of Ujjaini. Ujjaini is special to me, like a past connection.